Category: Discussion Topics

  • Social Investment Draft Framework: CoCB Response

    The Coalition of Community Boards has submitted a response to the Draft Social Services Investment Framework.

    The response was built on discussions within the network of board members within the Coalition, and draws on the Collective Impact Model being trialled by Logan City Council. (more…)

  • Coalition of Community Boards at the CD Conference 2013

    The Coalition of Community Boards is excited to be presenting an engaging seminar as part of the Community Development QLD Conference 2013.

    Comprised of 3 sessions we shall explore collaboration, relationship building for fundraising, and seek to identify a key policy area to influence in 2014. (more…)

  • Story of interest: Community sector sickened by managerial mindset

    This article was written by Andrew Hamilton, consulting editor of Eureka Street, and first published here

    It was brought to our attention as it resonated with our whole case for small NFPs, vs large NFP, vs Privately run organisations, vs Government outsourcing services.

    Please take some time to read it, and leave your comments below.

    Around election times much is spoken about the future directions of society. But the decisions that make the most significant changes to society often seem purely administrative, are tacitly approved by all parties, and so receive little attention. One of the most significant of these has been to the provision of community services, especially to disadvantaged groups, like prisoners, asylum seekers, and recipients of public health care and welfare. (more…)

  • Call out for Workshops! Community Development Conference 2013

    The 2013 CD Qld Community Development Conference is on its way!

    We are now calling out for Expressions of Interest for workshops from enthusastic and engaging practitioners of community development. Workshop proposals (1.5hrs) or community story segments (15minutes) that are linked to this years conference theme are needed. (more…)

  • Raise Money and Win for your community! Win a Home, Build Community.

    Raise money for your club, organisation or charity

    On September 3, The Spot Community Services will launch a unique lottery designed to enhance our sustainability and growth as a local community organisation.

    This Lottery will be driven by social media platforms (ie Facebook, Twitter etc) underpinned by a crowd funding model. (more…)

  • Sunshine Coast Collaboration

    The Sunshine Coast discussion forum, raising our voices was held on 20th March 2013. As a summary of your input into the forum, we’ve picked out the points where there was much agreement.

    [box type=”download”] View summary below or click here to download the Sunshine Coast Outcomes document[/box]

    Want to comment?  You can in the comment box below!


  • QCOSS Pre-Budget Submission 2013/14

    Queensland Council of Social Services has released their pre-budget submission asking the Government to consider investment in community services and to recognise the strength in the sector and we are pleased to see the recognition of smaller organisations and neighbourhood centres.

    From the QCOSS summary: (more…)

  • QCOSS: Community Services Industry Body discussion

    The steering committee looking at the viability of a Community Services Industry Body (CSIB), outlining what a potential body might look like and the role it may play in Queensland is seeking consultation on their proposals.

    It is important now that we develop a board level analysis of what WE as board members of community organisations feel would benefit our communities and the small and medium organisations that service them.

    Consultancy is now open and NOW is the time to read the Working Together Green Paper, the full report, and the CSIB FAQ’s and join us in an open discussion about the implications and opportunities that this project presents AND comment below.

    Here is a summary from QCOSS:

    • An industry body is proposed in the Working Together Green Paper that was commissioned by the Futures Forum.
    • A group of interested organisations decided to get together (independently of the Futures Forum) to investigate the idea of establishing an industry body further and they sought resources to engage a consultant to undertake the initial investigation.
    • The Industry Body would work on the “business of the business”.  Things like promoting the sector, IT systems, HR, IR, and business development would be in its remit. The CSIB Fact Sheet explains it in more detail.

    Members of the steering group which has commissioned the work to date are:

    • Carmel Marshall, Capricorn Community Development Association
    • Mark Henley, QCOSS
    • Anna Moynihan, UnitingCare Queensland
    • Wallis Westbrook, Health and Community Services Workforce Council
    • Trevor Carlyon, Carlyon and Associates (author of Working Together)

    The Coalition of Community Boards have shown interest in being involved in discussions, and will be approaching QCOSS and the steering group to discuss important factors that affect us all.

    Please comment below, so we can build a board level analysis of the issues and opportunities surrounding this proposal and work towards having a voice in the development of this.

    Key documents: