Category: Coalition of Community Boards News

  • Events for 2023

    To give you an idea of what the COCB is offering in 2023 here’s a proposed program of activities for the first half of the year. As you can see not all actual dates have been set.

    You can email Howard on to receive email updates, or check back for info on when and where activities will be held.

    All events are free and booked via Humantix, which is easy to use and very supportive of the not for profit sector, so don’t be put off by online bookings.

    Recently attended an event or workshop?

    Please take a couple of minutes to fill out our evaluation form here >>

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  • Sunshine Coast group wins grant!

    Sunshine Coast group wins grant!

    Following on from the Sunshine Coast Discussion Forum held last year, a group of board members and supporters from local community organisations have been working to form the Sunshine Coast Coalition of Community Boards.

    Last month, those efforts were recognised by the Queensland Community Fund, awarding the group a grant to advance their work on the Sunshine Coast.

    The working group now are now formalising their strategic plan with the view to begin a collaborative project shortly.

    Board members and supporters of local community groups are invited to register their interest in being part of the formative stages of this project.


  • Revitalising Community Governance Project: COCB Grant Award!

    Revitalising Community Governance Project: COCB Grant Award!

    We are pleased to announce that the Coalition of Community Boards and Volunteering QLD have been successful in receiving funding from the Queensland Community Foundation for the Revitalising Community Governance Project.

    This is such a wonderful step that philanthropic bodies are recognising both the benefits of collaboration, and the benefits of community led governance.

    The project will bring together the skills and expertise of Volunteering Queensland, the Coalition of Community Boards and local organisations such as the Regional Social Development Centre to enable community service organisations in Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday regions to build the foundations necessary to govern themselves effectively, and work together to build stronger community outcomes.

    Video: Carmel Daveson – Convenor: Whitsundays, Isaac, Mackay Coalition of Community Boards

    If you are in the area and interested in finding out more about Revitalising Community Governance project please email

    Thank you to Queensland Community Fund, and to Volunteering QLD who we look forward to our ongoing working partnership

  • QLD Community Services Partnership Forum

    One of the aims of the Coalition of Community Boards is to engage with policy and program discussions within multiple levels of government and other stakeholders.

    groupdiscussionspeechbubbleWe are pleased to announce that we have been involved in the Community Services Partnership Forum, held quarterly by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. (more…)

  • Social Investment Draft Framework: CoCB Response

    The Coalition of Community Boards has submitted a response to the Draft Social Services Investment Framework.

    The response was built on discussions within the network of board members within the Coalition, and draws on the Collective Impact Model being trialled by Logan City Council. (more…)

  • Board Builder Newsletter

    Happy New Year!

    Dusting out the cobwebs of the holiday season, it’s time to kick start the new year with some fantastic new resources for our network of board members. (more…)

  • Story of interest: Community sector sickened by managerial mindset

    This article was written by Andrew Hamilton, consulting editor of Eureka Street, and first published here

    It was brought to our attention as it resonated with our whole case for small NFPs, vs large NFP, vs Privately run organisations, vs Government outsourcing services.

    Please take some time to read it, and leave your comments below.

    Around election times much is spoken about the future directions of society. But the decisions that make the most significant changes to society often seem purely administrative, are tacitly approved by all parties, and so receive little attention. One of the most significant of these has been to the provision of community services, especially to disadvantaged groups, like prisoners, asylum seekers, and recipients of public health care and welfare. (more…)

  • Sunshine Coast Region August Update

    It’s been a busy time for us since our first forum  earlier this year. A quick update to let you know what’s been going on.
