Sunshine Coast Region August Update

It’s been a busy time for us since our first forum  earlier this year. A quick update to let you know what’s been going on.

There have been two steering group meetings, one in May, and the other the end of July. These have mainly focussed around some housekeeping and frameworks of how we can work together as a collaborative group.

1. Collaborative frameworks and housekeeping

We have set some guidelines for working together, how meetings will be run and agreed to use the name Sunshine Coast Coalition of Community Boards (SCCCB).

As part of our beginnings, we are looking at small tangible projects that will provide benefit to our local organisations

Please review the Coalition of Community Boards Charter to make sure we are all comfortable with it.  It means we can use common ways to describe what we’re about as we invite others to join us.

The venue for the next meeting has been confirmed now for Wednesday August 28th at Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre – thanks Cheryl (Volunteering Sunshine Coast).

As agreed, it will start at 6 and aim to finish by 8, 8:30 at the very latest.


2. Working with Sunshine Coast Regional Council

In our second meeting Ant McKenna from council joined us and discussed the role of CD officers and the council, their relationship with us and other small to medium not for profit organisations.

Ant explained that those unfunded community centres that rely on the Community Partnership Program funding will get funded for one more year.  They should then be looking for other funding sources.

The meeting asked Ant where the work of this group might intersect with Council policy. Ant explained that Council is focusing on economic development and big end of town. There was discussion about the Place Making Charter – its status not quite clear.

Council would like communities to lead their own revitalisation. He also suggested that council run venues are able to be hired at the moment for a much cheaper than usual rate.

In response to the apparent emphasis council is placing on organisations raising their own funds, the group reminded Ant that the rates paid by community members into council coffers should be used for resourcing our community, not withheld from this purpose.

The Council community development roles were discussed, and the meeting proposed that this looked like a community engagement role rather than a capacity building role.

At the time the permit charging issue over council land for events had arisen and we addressed that with him.

Fortunately through public pressure Council have agreed to reconsider charging not for profits. They will be discussing further at their next meeting and Ian and Narelle from Morris House and Nambour Neighbourhood Centre will be attending. So far they have asked what was likely to happen after 12 months, and the answer was that it depends on the response of the community.


3. Where to now?

Our next step is to work out as a group what we would like to focus on with our working relationship with Council and our first project as a group.

It is important that you give your feedback to ensure we have a representative group.

You can comment below, or alternatively email

Next meeting is Wednesday August 28th 2013 at Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre

Have you sent your photos and details in?  email