We are pleased to share with our networks, the Premier’s response to the CoCB/Volunteering QLD joint position paper, released in April.
A brief snippet:
I note the position paper calls for genuine engagement with government and for the Queensland Government to acknowledge the strength and potential of existing community
organisations.My Government is committed to genuinely listening to and engaging with Queenslanders and acting on their concerns. Restoring services to strengthen our communities and delivering real and sustainable social and economic outcomes are also priorities of this Government.
We know that the Government cannot do this alone. Harnessing the knowledge, expertise and
dedication o f the community sector will be vital to achieving this.
Read the full response the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk here >>
We have also had positive and constructive responses from other Ministers including the Hon. Minister Fentiman, Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety and Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Read the Honorable Minister Fentiman’s response here >>
We look forward to updating our networks with more news soon.
For enquiries please contact Roger Marshall 0402 435 993