QLD Community Services Partnership Forum

One of the aims of the Coalition of Community Boards is to engage with policy and program discussions within multiple levels of government and other stakeholders.

groupdiscussionspeechbubbleWe are pleased to announce that we have been involved in the Community Services Partnership Forum, held quarterly by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.

Discussions are progressing and it’s great that we have a space to represent the small and medium community organisations who often are first point of call in crisis situations.  Among other attendees are Volunteering QLD, DVConnect, QATSCIPP, ECCQ, QLD AIDS Council, LGAQ, H&CS Workforce Council, COTA, Foresters Community Finance, Community Services Industry Alliance, QCOSS and Department of Premier and Cabinet. (Apologies if I’ve missed anyone)


Upcoming topics for discussion are:

Co-defining Issues Desired Outcomes and Solutions led by Brett Johnson (LGAQ),

Intentional Engagement with Clients Dr Stefan Hajkowicz (CSIRO) research led by Laura Barnes H&CS Workforce,

Red Tape Reduction led by Barbara Shaw, Chair and Exec Dir. Community Services, and

Knowledge Management led by CoCB’s own, Ann Ingamells.

After the last 3 meetings, attendees have also brought to the table the desire to disseminate the materials generated from the forum to our wider networks.  We will be hoping to get agreement on this and start updating you regularly with more info from these discussions.

If you have any issues or information you would like to discuss with Ann or Roger as your representatives at the forum, please email info@cocb.org.au with your details.
