Small community organisations have a vital role in contributing to strong, vibrant and inclusive communities
The Coalition of Community Boards began over a decade ago as a Queensland-based network to support community boards through regional responses.
Here on the Sunshine Coast, the SCCOCB has continued as a sustainable entity run by volunteers with support from the Sunshine Coast Council.
our activities include
Strengthening governance in boards of small community organisations
Providing training and resources that can assist small community organisations
Building a network of organisations that support each other
Mentoring and encouraging peer support
Advocacy and analysis of issues affecting small community organisations

The Sunshine Coast COCB is a voluntary organisation that has a good working relationship with Sunshine Coast Council. Through this partnership, the COCB has been successful for several years in acquiring grants to support small community-based organisations.
The grant enables the COCB to contract a part-time Project Coordinator who sets up and runs workshops and administrative support to help with promotion, registration processes and maintaining communication with our network of organisations.
Upcoming Events
Howard's interview with Mark about his community work experience on King Island, which has the highest rate of volunteer involvement per capita in the country. The podcast explores some of the factors behind this and what we can learn here on the Sunshine Coast about volunteering and active citizenship.