
  • Creative Commons for Not for Profit Organisations

    Creative Commons for Not for Profit Organisations

    As part of the 2014 Changemakers Festival, the Coalition of Community Boards were lucky to be team up with some brilliant minds in creativity and education to start a discussion on Creative Commons for Not for Profit organisations.

    Our guest presenters were Elliot Bledsoe, freelance digital producer and advocate for creative commons in Australia, and Junita Lyons, Adult Educator and creative commons contributor for the adult literacy sector, kindly donated their time to share their knowledge with us.  (more…)

  • Sunshine Coast group wins grant!

    Sunshine Coast group wins grant!

    Following on from the Sunshine Coast Discussion Forum held last year, a group of board members and supporters from local community organisations have been working to form the Sunshine Coast Coalition of Community Boards.

    Last month, those efforts were recognised by the Queensland Community Fund, awarding the group a grant to advance their work on the Sunshine Coast.

    The working group now are now formalising their strategic plan with the view to begin a collaborative project shortly.

    Board members and supporters of local community groups are invited to register their interest in being part of the formative stages of this project.


  • Are we ready to participate in our communities?

    Are we ready to participate in our communities?

    The way community is governed is changing.  Our communities – that’s you, me, all of us, are being asked to step up and fill those gaps.

    But are we ready?

    When we are in a deep state of loss, as many of our organisations are right now, we naturally bunker down to protect our piece of pie.  We risk our own capacity to collaborate and do this work

    It’s not adequate enough to convene and bring people together and say everyone has a voice. When a participatory culture is not the norm, people need the skills, tools, information and opportunities to build self-confidence and find their passion, and take baby steps to participation

    This talk from Kelly Ryan, President and CEO of the Incourage Community Foundation, talks to a big bet that their foundation took to change from just giving funds, to making bold steps to work on a culture change and creating a nurturing space for innovation and participation within their community.