Sharing the journey – questions to think about

When collaborations develop, it is hard to think about recording the process.  With a big thanks to Lyndall and the Sunshine Coast Coalition of Community Boards  the following template questions have been developed to help in this process.  

Please add your ideas in the comments box below – Only your name is published, emails are kept confidential and are only used to prevent spam.


  • How long had you thought about working with other groups in your region?
  • What event/thinking prompted the ‘light bulb’ moment about a more formal arrangement about working with others?
  • What are/were the things/ values/motives that you shared with these other groups?
  • How did you first come together?
  • What was the initial structure of the group?
  • Describe what you have put in place (if anything) to formalize the arrangements?
  • Describe any activity/project you have undertaken as a group.
  • What are the benefits you have experienced from working together?
  • What might be some barriers/disadvantages of doing things together?
  • How important is communication?
  • What are some mechanisms you use to ensure the group has communication that works for the members?
  • What planning process have you undertaken for the future of your  collaboration?
  • How will you evaluate the success or otherwise of your work?

What do you think?  Contribute below