Resources for your community group
Sourced or created by board members like you for board members like you.
Please note: The content available here, unless specified, is free to use and distribute. Please attribute the authors of work accordingly. Thank you.
Our Community –
A useful resource for board members, staff and volunteers with practical guides and useful tips
Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies
Devoted to nonprofit governance resources and research and designed to assist nonprofit boards to develop and to inform their deliberations about their future governance arrangements and organisational development
Community Door
Developed by QCOSS, community door provides information for QLD organisations. Resources, workshops and workforce development topics. There is also availability to run private social networks via their network spaces for collaborative workspaces
My Community Directory –
Have you listed your organisation on this important database yet?
The Department of Fair Trading’s smart business guide for incorporated associations.
The role of Treasurer: must do, should do, could do.
COCB created resources
Governance resources for volunteer community led boards
- Workshops, presentations, and sample templates
- Risk and financial management made less intimidating with tips from other board members
- Information for voluntary boards for board members
External resources
Relatively reliable and updated resources
Damn Good Advice for Treasurers + 25 great questions for every board member to ask about finances
What’s involved in being a treasurer of a not-for-profit group
Damn Good Advice for Secretaries + 27 questions FOR secretaries to ask
Information and Reports
Researchers and Community Development practitioners
- History of Coalition of Community Boards
- The importance of community and neighbourhood houses